Erica Roman Blog

I write so that my healing may bring healing to others.


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  1. My 40 year old son died tragically 2 years ago. He left a wife, 2 children ages 15 and 21. He also left a mother, father ,brother and sister and a number of other relatives that love him dearly and are completed devastated by his death. My son’s widow started talking about dating the week he was buried, and actually starting seeing another man 3 months after he died. She remarried a little over a year after my son’s death. We feel she didn’t have enough time to grief and neither did she give her children enough time to grieve losing their daddy. Also, due to the fact that she knew how we felt about this, she stopped all contact with us, stopped letting the children have contact with us and made everyone believe it was that us that was wrong and that we were the ones that stopped having contact with her. My son and his wife were married for 20 years, and he loved her dearly and his children. I just feel that she has totally disrespected and disgraced him.


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